Let me tell you about my friends Stable WILD WESTERN RANCH wich is located to Paltamo Finland. It's a small Family-ranch with just 3 horses. 2 Finnish horses and one shetlandpony.
Owner Minna is really kind and helpfull. I was visiting their ranch first time in 2017 summer when we had Country-Western themed happening there. I was there with my band and also riding for trail-ride show as a disabled rider. They still have this beautiful trail-race. So if you wanna try it just send message or call to Minna!!
These pictures are from 2017. All photos by Emma Nokela
This year we spend a night at farm too, but this time i made something i havent been able to do for years!!! I went to swim with their old theraphy horse Rea.
They have lake on and beach at their YARD. <3
Thanks Wild western Ranch, animals and people there. I really enjoyed my stay both times.